Engineering modeling and simulations. Software development.
Why SysMo?
You need to solve a complex problem? You need direction? You need software? We will help!
We will help you find and customize the software and streamline it into your process. And if there
is nothing out there that suits you, we will develop one for you.
And we just love things that have not been done before!
Full stack
We have very broad expertise ranging from engineering to web-design, and from cars to image processing.
We can help you develop product, create computer model, optimize design, analyze data, develop software.
We are not limited by technology, we embrace every opportunity and challenge.
For big and small
As a small company, we have learned to solve complex problems with limited resources under tight schedules.
Hence, for our small clients, we can deliver the attention and affordable solutions that no big business
can. If you want to get big, then we can help you take advantage of the cutting edge technology to scale up.